Myoma during pregnancy is one of the many complications of pregnancy. The growth of myomas during pregnancy often raises fears of various disorders, ranging from an abnormal fetal position, premature labor, abnormalities of the placenta, to miscarriage. Myoma uteri or myoma is a benign tumor that grows in the uterus. If it appears during pregnancy, myoma can cause abdominal pain at the end of the first trimester or early second trimester. In addition to pain in the stomach, myoma during pregnancy can cause symptoms such as fever, nausea and vomiting, and bleeding from the vagina. Even so, myoma that appears during pregnancy often does not cause any symptoms. In many cases, its appearance is only realized when pregnant women carry out routine control to the doctor, especially when the doctor performs an ultrasound examination on the stomach. Is it true that myoma increased in size during pregnancy? Until now, the exact cause of the emergence of myoma is unknown. Increased levels o...